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Cannot re-render Blazor components that are generated by foreach

I have a componet that contains a list of posts. I want to delete some posts. my problem is that the removed posts does not removed on the screen, even when I use StateHasChanged().

Here is PostListComponent.razor file

@if (PostsList != null)
    foreach (var post in PostsList)
        if(post.IsDeleted != true)
          <span @onclick="@(()=>DeletePost(post.PostId))" class="oi oi-trash" style="cursor: pointer;"></span>

and PostListComponent.cs :

public partial class PostListComponent : ComponentBase

 public List<PostContent> PostsList { get; set; }    

 protected void DeletePost(string postId)
    PostsList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PostId == postId).IsDeleted=true;

 protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
    DBContext _db;
    _db = DbFactory.CreateDbContext();
    PostsList = _db.Posts.Where(s => (s.IsDeleted != true).ToList();



  • According to [1], using the @key directive is required for rendering a list of elements or components and the elements or components subsequently change.

    Using @key directive solve the problem.

    Here is the code:

    @if (PostsList != null)
        foreach (var post in PostsList)
            if(post.IsDeleted != true)
             <div @key="post">
              <span @onclick="@(()=>DeletePost(post.PostId))" class="oi oi-trash" style="cursor: pointer;"></span>

    I would like to appreciate Brian Parker for his comment on this problem.