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Zipkin export flag is not getting printed in the Spring Boot Application logs

`I am implementing sleuth and zipkin locally and getting the following issue:

zipkin export flag of sleuth is not getting printed at all in the service logs. Only application name, trace id and span id is coming as shown bellow:

INFO [sleuthpoc,a3b11678e089f17b,a3b11678e089f17b] 

My is:


Spring Cloud version: 2021.0.4 Spring Boot version: 2.7.5 Java version: 17

Is there is any property that I am missing here as I am not able to see the service trace in the zipkin server because information is not sent to zipkin because of this issue.

Trying locally and expecting to see the zipkin export flag in logs and service request trace in zipkin server`


  • AFAIR We've stopped printing it starting with Spring Cloud 2021.0.0. It's not being put to MDC anymore.