So I have just installed python version 3.11 and changed my python interpreter in pycharm and the code runs properly now after I reinstalled the packages to my new venv.
but when i debug my code I keep getting a long list of warnings and I have no idea how to fix it:
pydev debugger: CRITICAL WARNING: This version of python seems to be incorrectly compiled (internal generated filenames are not absolute)
pydev debugger: The debugger may still function, but it will work slower and may miss breakpoints.
pydev debugger: Related bug:
Connected to pydev debugger (build 221.5080.212)
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen codecs>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen importlib._bootstrap>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen zipimport>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen ntpath>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen genericpath>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen os>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen _collections_abc>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <string>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen abc>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <__array_function__ internals>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen io>
I installed it for all users to C:\Program Files if that helps
Should be fixed in PyCharm 2022.3 (ticket
Early Access Preview version is already available