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AssertJ exception handling (feat.assertThat+isInstanceOf)

I have been on this problem for hours but couldn't get close to solution. Any help will be appreciated.

public static int enterTheAmount(){
    int final LOTTO_PRICE = 1000;
    int amount = Integer.parseInt(Console.readLine());
    if(amount%LOTTO_PRICE!=0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    return amount/LOTTO_PRICE;

Here, a user is going to enter a number, and if the number is not divisible by 1000, it throws an exception.

void validateTheEnteredAmount(){
    final String INVALID_NUMBER = "1234";
    InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(INVALID_NUMBER.getBytes());

And I want to know when invalid number is entered, illegalArgumentException is thrown. I used assertThat method & isInstanceOf methods to validate. but for some reason, the test keeps failing.. Anyone with clues, please help

i used inputStream to store the number into the scanner. On the console, it shows that illegalargumentexception is thrown, but the test fails..


  • In the same situation I added a variable with Class type :

    private Class exceptionClass;

    And I will initialize it in a catch block as below:

    public void updateBalance() {
            try {
                Account account = accountRepository.findById(id).get();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                exceptionClass = e.getClass();

    And I wrote a method for my class that will check the result like below:

    boolean hasObjectOptimisticLockingFailure() {
        return this.exceptionClass == ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException.class;

    Then in my test method I checked it with below assertion statement:

    || account2.hasObjectOptimisticLockingFailure());

    I think you can do the same for your codes!!