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How to send all ECS Services Logs to LogStash

I am trying to forward all AWS ECS logs to Logstash. Checking some documentation for that I only found ways to have specific Cloudwatch logs groups defined:

input {
    cloudwatch_logs {
        log_group => ["/aws/ecs/a","/aws/ecs/b","/aws/ecs/c","/aws/ecs/d","/aws/ecs/e","/aws/ecs/f"]
        start_position => "end"
        access_key_id => "<access_key>"
        secret_access_key => "<secret_access_key>"
        region => "eu-west-2"
        tags => ["cloudwatch_syslog"]

Is any way to forward all logs inside "/aws/ecs/*"?

Other nice solution possible?


  • Using AWS Firelens for log forwarding works fine.