From what I found out on my last question about $.tmpl
, passing an array of strings into a template containing an {{each}}
will result in the template going over each string in the array like an array of characters because tmpl
implicitly loops over arrays already. Unfortunately, that means, if I am already in a given template and I recursively call that template again on an array of strings (sub-objects work fine), I skip a level of recursion and try to template each string in the array instead of the templating the array itself.
If I am recursively templating an object by {{each}} (reflection, basically), how do I keep that implicit array loop from happening?
<div class="results"></div>
<script id="reflectTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
{{each(i, prop) $data}}
{{if $data.hasOwnProperty(i)}}
{{if $item.shouldDigDeeper(prop)}}
{{tmpl(prop, { shouldDigDeeper: $item.shouldDigDeeper, formatDisplay: $item.formatDisplay }) "#reflectTemplate"}}
var data = {
test2: "abc",
test3: [ "abc", "123", "def", "456" ]
templateFunctions = {
shouldDigDeeper: function(itemToCheck) {
return null !== itemToCheck && "object" === typeof(itemToCheck);
formatDisplay: function(propertyValue) {
var result = propertyValue;
if (null === result) {
result = "null";
else if ("string" === typeof (propertyValue)) {
result = "\"" + result + "\"";
return result;
$("#reflectTemplate").tmpl(data, templateFunctions).appendTo($(".results"));
<li>test2: "abc" </li>
<li>0: "a" </li>
<li>1: "b" </li>
<li>2: "c" </li>
<li>0: "4" </li>
<li>1: "5" </li>
<li>2: "6" </li>
<li>test2: "abc" </li>
<li>0: "abc" </li>
<li>1: "456" </li>
In case @mblase75 is right (read: it isn't possible) and no one else comes up with anything else, here is a workaround I came up with.
Since tmpl
pre-jumps a level deeper into arrays, I just came up with a system of templates that bounce off each other as an array comes up. One template handles only array items, while allowing nested objects/arrays within it (it seems). The duplication is a bit rough, but it appears to do the job for even crazy nested arrays.
<div class="results"></div>
<script id="arrayDisplayTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
{{if null !== $data && "object" === typeof ($data)}}
{{if $data instanceof Array}}
{{tmpl($data, { formatDisplay: $item.formatDisplay }) "#arrayItemTemplate"}}
{{tmpl($data, { formatDisplay: $item.formatDisplay }) "#reflectTemplate"}}
<script id="reflectTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
{{each(i, prop) $data}}
{{if $data.hasOwnProperty(i)}}
{{if null !== prop && "object" === typeof (prop)}}
{{if prop instanceof Array}}
{{tmpl(prop, { formatDisplay: $item.formatDisplay }) "#arrayDisplayTemplate"}}
{{tmpl(prop, { formatDisplay: $item.formatDisplay }) "#reflectTemplate"}}
var data = {
test1: 123,
test2: { w: [ "some", "string", "array" ], x: 1, y: 2, z: "abc" },
test3: [ "abc", "123", "def", "456" ],
test4: null
templateFunctions = {
formatDisplay: function(propertyValue) {
var propertyType = typeof (propertyValue),
result = propertyValue;
if (null === result) {
result = "null";
else if ("string" === propertyType) {
result = "\"" + result + "\"";
return result;
$("#reflectTemplate").tmpl(data, templateFunctions).appendTo($(".results"));