I'm trying to make a wave game in Godot and I tried making for loops but I couldn't get them to work outside a function. But when I did put it in the function Godot won't recognize the function and give me this error - error(27,1): Unexpected token: Identifer:spawnEnemies
extends Node2D
var screenSize = get_viewport().get_visible_rect().size
func _ready():
pass # Replace with function body.
var scene = preload("res://scenes/enemyInstance.tscn")
func _physics_process(delta):
func spawnEnemy():
var instance = scene.instance()
var rng = RandomNumberGenerator.new()
var rndX = rng.randi_range(0, screenSize.x)
var rndY = rng.randi_range(0, screenSize.y)
instance.position.x = rndX
instance.position.y = rndY
func spawnEnemies(number):
for i in number:
I've tried removing the for loop or changing how the variables are but nothing worked.
GDScript does not support top level statements.
Thus, this line is invalid:
The error, in fact, is telling you that it didn't expect to find spawnEnemies
there. It has nothing to do with a loop or variables.
So, when exactly do you want that to execute? Given that your code requires to access the scene tree (it uses add_child
) it cannot be when the object has just be initialized (i.e. in _init
), it must also be in the scene tree. We have a method for that _enter_tree
Turns out there is one more wrinkle. If there are children defined from the editor, those have not been added yet in _enter_tree
. Which might result in Godot saying that the node is busy. The error has this text: "Parent node is busy setting up children, add_node() failed. Consider using call_deferred("add_child", child) instead.".
Thus, just use the _ready
that the template gives you, unless you have a reason not to:
func _ready() -> void: