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Is it possible to join two entities with panache?

I want to get two values from two different sql tables.

In sql we would do "Select a.value, b.value from A a inner join B b on = where ..."

Is it possible to do it with panache? Like join two entities or something like that?

Can't really find much about joins with quarkus panache.


  • Panache doesn't have any specific way to deal with joins.

    You can still load specific fields using HQL and projections:

    List<EntitiesView> results = EntityA
        .find("Select a.value, b.value from A a inner join B b on = where ...")

    Where EntitiesView is:

    class EntitiesView {
       public final Object valueA;
       public final Object valueB;
       public EntitiesView(Object valueA, Object valueB) {
           this.valueA = valueA;
           this.valueB = valueB;

    You can find more details about projections on the Panache guide.