I have list of dicts
[{'id': 14786,
'sku': '0663370-ZWA',
'sizes': ['38', '40', '42', '44', '46'],
'color': 'zwart'},
{'id': 14787,
'sku': '0663371-ZWA',
'sizes': ['38', '40', '42', '44', '46'],
'color': 'zwart'}]
want to place it in a datastructure for update attributes with woocommerce api
list_of_update_items = []
for index in lst_of_dcts:
attributes = {'id': 1, 'name': 'kleur', 'position': 0,'options': index['color'], 'variations': 'false','visible': 'true'},{'id': 6, 'options': index['sizes'], 'variations': 'true','visible': 'true'}
# make a list of attributes_items to use as value in the parent dict
#make a dict with id as key and atribute_list as key
update = {'id': index['id'], 'attributes': lst_of_attributes_items}
#clear the list of attributes_items for the next iteration
#wrap in the top_dict
data = {'update': list_of_update_items}
data results in
{'update': [{'id': 14786,
'attributes': [({'id': 1,
'name': 'kleur',
'position': 0,
'options': 'zwart',
'variations': 'false',
'visible': 'true'},
{'id': 6,
'options': ['38', '40', '42', '44', '46'],
'variations': 'true',
'visible': 'true'})]},
{'id': 14787,
'attributes': [({'id': 1,
'name': 'kleur',
'position': 0,
'options': 'zwart',
'variations': 'false',
'visible': 'true'},
{'id': 6,
'options': ['38', '40', '42', '44', '46'],
'variations': 'true',
'visible': 'true'})]}]}
makes a tuple of dicts in the list of 'attributes'_values. what I need is a list of dicts. What causes the tupple?
You use an intermediate:
Which you append a tuple of dicst to:
attributes = {'id': 1, 'name': 'kleur', 'position': 0,'options': index['color'], 'variations': 'false','visible': 'true'},{'id': 6, 'options': index['sizes'], 'variations': 'true','visible': 'true'}
attributes = {...}, {...}
Creates a tuple.
And then that list, with a single item (which is a tuple with two dicts) is set to the "attribute" key of your update dict:
update = {'id': index['id'], 'attributes': lst_of_attributes_items}
This doesn't make any sense, just make attributes
a list instead of a tuple (since you dont want tuples... dont use tuples) then just put that directlyin the update dict. The whole thing can be simplified to:
lst_of_dcts = [{'id': 14786,
'sku': '0663370-ZWA',
'sizes': ['38', '40', '42', '44', '46'],
'color': 'zwart'},
{'id': 14787,
'sku': '0663371-ZWA',
'sizes': ['38', '40', '42', '44', '46'],
'color': 'zwart'}]
list_of_update_items = []
for index in lst_of_dcts:
attributes = [
{'id': 1, 'name': 'kleur', 'position': 0,'options': index['color'], 'variations': 'false','visible': 'true'},
{'id': 6, 'options': index['sizes'], 'variations': 'true','visible': 'true'}
list_of_update_items.append({'id': index['id'], 'attributes': attributes})
data = {'update': list_of_update_items}
Indeed, you could do the whole thing with a list comprehension (although, I probably wouldn't, since it isn't as readable to me):
update_items = [
"id": index["id"],
"attributes": [
"id": 1,
"name": "kleur",
"position": 0,
"options": index["color"],
"variations": "false",
"visible": "true",
"id": 6,
"options": index["sizes"],
"variations": "true",
"visible": "true",
for index in lst_of_dcts
Although, using a helper function makes it pretty nice:
def update_from_index(index):
return {
"id": index["id"],
"attributes": [
"id": 1,
"name": "kleur",
"position": 0,
"options": index["color"],
"variations": "false",
"visible": "true",
"id": 6,
"options": index["sizes"],
"variations": "true",
"visible": "true",
update_items = [update_from_index(index) for index in lst_of_dcts]