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Extending React Types for CSS custom attributes

I'm converting my React project to TypeScript, but can't figure out how to extend React.HTMLPorps to accept custom CSS data-attributes.

A common pattern that I use in my project is:

const MyComponent = ( ) => <div mycustomattr="true"/>;

I've tried creating an interface like so:

interface ExtendedDiv extends HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement> {
    mycutomattr: "true" | "false";

However, I'm not sure how to apply this to JSX div element.


  • I can see 2 ways:

    1. easiest way is to rename atribut - custom => data-custom. But this will results in:
    <div data-custom="true" />
    1. extend react interface HTMLAttributes but it will allow this attribute to all elements
    interface HTMLAttributes<T> extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes<T> {
      // extends React's HTMLAttributes
      custom?: boolean;