If we look at python docs it states:
Most context managers are written in a way that means they can only be used effectively in a with statement once. These single use context managers must be created afresh each time they’re used - attempting to use them a second time will trigger an exception or otherwise not work correctly.
This common limitation means that it is generally advisable to create context managers directly in the header of the with statement where they are used (as shown in all of the usage examples above).
Yet, the example most commonly shared for creating context managers inside classes is:
from contextlib import ContextDecorator
import logging
class track_entry_and_exit(ContextDecorator):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __enter__(self):
logging.info('Entering: %s', self.name)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc, exc_tb):
logging.info('Exiting: %s', self.name)
But, when I instantiate this class, I can pass it several times to a with statement:
In [8]: test_context = track_entry_and_exit('test')
In [9]: with test_context:
...: pass
INFO:root:Entering: test
INFO:root:Exiting: test
In [10]: with test_context:
...: pass
INFO:root:Entering: test
INFO:root:Exiting: test
How can I create a class that fails on the second call to the with statement?
Here is a possible solution:
from functools import wraps
class MultipleCallToCM(Exception):
def single_use(cls):
if not ("__enter__" in vars(cls) and "__exit__" in vars(cls)):
raise TypeError(f"{cls} is not a Context Manager.")
org_new = cls.__new__
def new(clss, *args, **kwargs):
instance = org_new(clss)
instance._called = False
return instance
cls.__new__ = new
org_enter = cls.__enter__
def enter(self):
if self._called:
raise MultipleCallToCM("You can't call this CM twice!")
self._called = True
return org_enter(self)
cls.__enter__ = enter
return cls
class CM:
def __enter__(self):
print("Enter to the CM")
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
print("Exit from the CM")
with CM():
with CM():
cm = CM()
with cm:
with cm:
Enter to the CM
Exit from the CM
Enter to the CM
Exit from the CM
Enter to the CM
Exit from the CM
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "...", line 51, in <module>
with cm:
File "...", line 24, in enter
raise MultipleCallToCM("You can't call this CM twice!")
__main__.MultipleCallToCM: You can't call this CM twice!
I used a class decorator for it so that you can apply it to other context manager classes. I dispatched the __new__
method and give every instance a flag called __called
, then change the original __enter__
to my enter
which checks to see if this object has used in a with-statement
or not.
How robust is this? I don't know. Seems like it works, I hope it gave an idea at least.