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How to check if a bot is verified by Discord Bot Verification

Discord bots can have a Verified check mark. Is there a way to check if a Discord bot is verified using Discord.js?

The first bot is not verified, second is

I'm doing this mainly to avoid raids or nuke bots

client.on('guildMemberAdd', member => {
   if ( {
      // if is verified:
      //   member.roles.add("<BOT_ROLE_ID>")
      // else:
      //   member.ban(...)

And if it can't be done using Discord.js, then is there another way using the property or something else?

Update: user flags may be the answer


  • You can check the User#flags property as you mentioned in your update. The available flags can be found in the documentation. You'll need to check if the user has the VERIFIED_BOT flag.

    if (member.user.flags.has('VERIFIED_BOT')) {...}

    Or you can import UserFlags enums and use UserFlags.VerifiedBot:

    const { UserFlags } = require('discord.js')
    // ...
    if (member.user.flags.has(UserFlags.VerifiedBot)) {...}