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Add multiple FilePaths from OpenFileDialog to List<>

I'm currently trying to add all the filePaths of the pictures that I selected through an OpenFileDialog to a List<>. However, when I try to start the program only the path of the first file is added to the List multiple times.

This is the code I tried with

            OpenFileDialog MyDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
            MyDialog.Filter = "Picture (.jpg)|*jpg|Picture (.jpeg)|*.jpeg|Picture (.png)|*.png";
            MyDialog.Multiselect = true;
            if (MyDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                foreach (String file in MyDialog.FileNames)
                    string fullPath = MyDialog.FileName;
                    FileListe.Add(Convert.ToString(new BitmapImage(new Uri(fullPath))));



  • you have to do it like this. you are using MyDialog.FileName instead of that you should use file

    FileListe.Add(Convert.ToString(new BitmapImage(new Uri(file ))));