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MOSS 2007: Adding Filter to ListView web part

I have been dropped into a sharepoint 2007 project, and i have relatively little experience with altering existing webparts.

My first task is to add a filter to two out of three columns in a list view. My Lead Dev suggests trying to add a jquery combo-box filter, and another dev suggests extending the web part and overriding some of the functionality.

What i think is a good option is to change the context menu for the list view headers, so that instead of "Show Filter Choices" bringing up a standard dropdownlist that only responds to the first letter, it would have a jquery combobox. And maybe if the business requests it, change the wording of that option.

My question to you is, what would be a good path to take on this? Also, what resources are there besides traipsing around books and blogs are there to guide an sp newbie to do this?



  • How about something like this:

        <script src=""></script>
            google.load("jquery", "1.2.6");
            google.setOnLoadCallback(function() { 
                    jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {
                    containsIgnoreCase: "(a.textContent||a.innerText||jQuery(a).text()||'').toLowerCase().indexOf((m[3]||'').toLowerCase())>=0"
            if($("", this).size() > 0)
            var tdset = "";
            var colIndex = 0;
                    // attachment
                    tdset += "<td></td>";
                    // filterable
                    tdset += "<td><input type='text' class='vossers-filterfield' filtercolindex='" + colIndex + "' /></td>"; 
            var tr = "<tr class='vossers-filterrow'>" + tdset + "</tr>";
                .css("border", "1px solid #7f9db9")
                .css("width", "100%")
                .css("margin", "2px")
                .css("padding", "2px")
                var inputClosure = this;
                window.VossersFilterTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(function()
                var filterValues = new Array();
                $("input.vossers-filterfield", $(inputClosure).parents("tr:first")).each(function()
                    if($(this).val() != "") 
                        filterValues[$(this).attr("filtercolindex")] = $(this).val();
                    var mismatch = false;
                        if(mismatch) return;
                            var val = filterValues[colIndex];
                            // replace double quote character with 2 instances of itself
                            val = val.replace(/"/g, String.fromCharCode(34) + String.fromCharCode(34)); 
                            if($(this).is(":not(:containsIgnoreCase('" + val + "'))"))
                                mismatch = true;
                }, 250);

    It will need to be added to the page via a content editor web part.