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Add custom FreeGLUT application to Yocto image

I am trying to add a simple OpenGL+FreeGLUT application to my Yocto image to run it in Quemu. I:

  1. Cloned yocto and openembedded repositories
  2. Added meta-oe layer
  3. Created custom layer with my application
do_compile() {
    ${CXX} mydemo.cpp ${LDFLAGS} -lGL -lGLU -lglut -o mydemo
  1. Added the line below to build/conf/local.conf: IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " freeglut mydemo"

When I run bitbake core-image-sato the compiler can't find the FreeGLUT header: fatal error: GL/freeglut.h: No such file or directory

What am I missing?


  • I needed DEPENDS = "freeglut" in my *.bb file.