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How can I reload a custom module using r-box

I start to use the R package box, but struggle during development of nested dependencies.


Usually I develop a first function helper.R:

# helper.R
helper <- function(i) {
  return(paste("help", i))

Then a I use it in a wrapper:

# wrapper.R
lapply(1:3, helper)


r$> lapply(1:3, helper)
[1] "help 1"

[1] "help 2"

[1] "help 3"

So far so good :-)


Do not restart the R-session! Now, I change my helper:

# helper.R
helper <- function(i) {
  return(paste("Please help", i))

I would like to do box::reload(./helper[helper]) or box::reload("helper") to use the update helper function, but I get this Error:

"reload" expects a module object, got "helper", which is not a module alias variable

I was expecting that box::name() would return this "module alias variable", but it does not :-( It returns "helper" which does not work with box::reload().

I am clearly missing some terminology AND/OR syntax here? Can you please clarify how I can reload a local module without restarting the R session?



  • box::reload (and box::unload) expect a module object as their argument — not a name or path.

    This means that the following works:

    lapply(1:3, helper$helper)
    # …
    lapply(1:3, helper$helper)
    # [[1]]
    # [1] "please help 1"
    # [[2]]
    # [1] "please help 2"
    # [[3]]
    # [1] "please help 3"

    However, ‘box’ does not support reloading attached names. As a workaround you can use the “nuclear” option for now:


    In the future, ‘box’ will implement hot code reloading, which will make explicit calls to box::reload or box::purge_cache mostly unnecessary.