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Inno Setup doesn't update value in [INI]

I'm revising script in Inno Setup Compiler 6.2.1 and got into a strange behavior.

In [INI] section I've got the following entry:

Filename: "{code:GetIniPath}\REHEV.INI"; Section: "WIDTH"; Key: "MIS_RISHUI"; \
    String: "10"; Flags: createkeyifdoesntexist

When I run the installer, the log sees that file but tells that

Skipping updating the .INI file, only updating uninstall log.

However, if I change the Key to MISRISHUI (the same text but without an underscore) the update works.

How can I deal with underscore? I've got quite a few keys like this.

Thank you!


  • It works for me. Underscore or not.

    Isn't the problem the createkeyifdoesntexist flag? It means that if your INI file already contains the MIS_RISHUI key, it won't be updated. While if you remove the underscore, you are effectively writing a new key, which does not exist yet in the INI file.