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PySimpleGUI in python: Disable window move by user(with CTRL+mouse1)

A window can be moved by holding down CTRL and Mouse1, I would love to deactivate it, or deactivate window moving in general.

My problem is, that I use the CTRL key to mark multiple images in my explorer. After my image is marked, the image is processed in PIL, which takes like 100-200ms. So when the user holds down CTRL and clicks mouse1, the image gets processed in PIL. The user releases mouse1 and moves to the next element, the whole window is moved a fair amount(~100 pixels], where the user is moving the mouse to.(I guess the mouse1 click is still in buffer, and gets not updated to "is_released", while the program is busy)

My code is way to split(multiple files) up and too long to post, but I think my question is pretty straightforward and simple enough. toggle/block/unblock move window ability. Favorably deactivating CTRL-move in general, so the user can still use the titlebar. I searched the docs, and found window.move(), but putting the window back to the original position would not be a pretty

Thank you.


  • Refer PySimpleGUI Call Reference

    Option in Window


    If True can use CONTROL key + left mouse mouse to click and drag to move the window. DEFAULT is TRUE. Unlike normal grab anywhere, it works on all elements.

    window = sg.Window('Title', layout, grab_anywhere_using_control=False)