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Issue while trying to initialize the react property

Issue details

  1. .env value not initialized in the react property
  2. siteKey value is always blank

Property in react

const [siteKey] = useState(process.env.REACT_CAPTCHA_SITE_KEY);

Key in .env



<ReCAPTCHA sitekey={siteKey} />


  • I saw Some Issue in your code, First thing is,UseState hook initialization is wrong. It Should be,

      const [siteKey, setsiteKey] = useState(process.env.REACT_APP_CAPTCHA_SITE_KEY);

    And also You don't need to use this environment variable as useState, because it is not changing so, when you need to access environment variable, use as below,

    ex:const siteKey=process.env.REACT_APP_CAPTCHA_SITE_KEY;

    Other Important Issues are,

    Your environment variable should prefix with the REACT_APP_ in the .env file. ex:process.env.REACT_APP_SOME_VARIABLE

    And possible Issue can be, your .env file is not in your root which is that, within the same directory as the package. json file.