Noob question here. Just want to ask how to remove this environment prompt in the console of RStudio when printing a function (originally a String) that was parsed and evaluated using parse() and eval(), respectively?
Originally, I have this string that was inserted in a list:
final = "function (x) -115.2278 + 0.6304 * x + 5e-04 * x^2 + 0 * x^3 + 0 * x^4 + 0 * x^5"
But when I use parse and eval to it, it becomes:
function (x) -115.2278 + 0.6304 * x + 5e-04 * x^2 + 0 * x^3 + 0 * x^4 + 0 * x^5
<environment: 0x00000261b611f2e0>
I expect the output to look like this:
function (x) -115.2278 + 0.6304 * x + 5e-04 * x^2 + 0 * x^3 + 0 * x^4 + 0 * x^5
I hope you can help me solve this problem. Thanks!!!
cat(paste0(deparse(your_variable), collapse="\n")
Set the function environment to globalenv
a <- function() NULL
#> function() NULL
environment(a) <- new.env()
#> function() NULL
#> <environment: 0x000001ff77e5c3e8>
environment(a) <- globalenv()
#> function() NULL
But beware of what are you doing. Setting the environment to a function could let it broken if it refers to objects in their original environment. Also it is not a well practice to evaluate arbitrary string code from external sources. See Safely evaluating arithmetic expressions in R?