I have controller methods that look like this:
class TestController < ApplicationController
def testAction
render :json => { 'success'=>1 }.to_json
When I load this action in the browser, I get what I expect: {"success":1}
When testing with RSpec, however, response.body
gives me '<html><body>You are being <a href="https://test.host/test/testAction">redirected</a>.</body></html>'
I've noticed that this weird redirection is happening with all of my controllers. How can I stop this redirection from happening, so I can run checks on the response body?
----------------------- EDIT:
Any idea why the following test failure is happening?
# app/controllers/test_controller.rb
def test
flash[:notice] = 'test'
# spec/controllers/test_controller_spec.rb
describe TestController, "calling the test() method" do
it "should set the flash notice" do
put :test
flash[:notice].should_not be_blank
# result
'TestController calling the test() method should set the flash notice' FAILED
expected blank? to return false, got true
Change your assertion to be
response.should be_redirect
At least, if it's doing the right thing :)