I'm using the AWS VPN Client, it was working OK before upgrading to Ubuntu 21.10 (specifically Pop!_OS). When trying to connect using the AWS VPN client I'm getting a peculiar error - it can't open OpenVPN for some reason? Immediately after clicking "Connect", I'm getting a "Connection Failed. Try again" message. From the logs:
121 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:01.208 +03:00 [DBG] OvpnGtkServiceClient connected. Calling StartVpnAsync
122 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:01.344 +03:00 [DBG] OvpnGtkServiceClient received OpenVPN process PID: -1
123 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:01.350 +03:00 [DBG] DeDupeProcessDiedSignals: Unknown error caused OpenVPN process to not start: -1
124 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:01.351 +03:00 [WRN] Acs did not stop correctly!
125 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:01.351 +03:00 [ERR] Process died signal sent
126 │ ACVC.Core.OpenVpn.OvpnProcessFailedToStartException: Unknown error caused OpenVPN process to not start: -1
127 │ at ACVC.Core.OpenVpn.OvpnGtkProcessManager.Start(String openVpnConfigPath, String managementPortPasswordFile, Int32 timeoutMilliseconds) in /home/ubuntu/Jenkins
│ /workspace/GtkBuild/SecureConnectClient/ACVC.Core/OpenVpn/OvpnProcessManager.cs:line 696
128 │ at ACVC.Core.OpenVpn.OvpnConnectionManager.Connect(OvpnConnectionProfile configProfile, GetCredentialsCallback getCredentialsCallback, Int32 timeout) in /home/u
│ buntu/Jenkins/workspace/GtkBuild/SecureConnectClient/ACVC.Core/OpenVpn/OvpnConnectionManager.cs:line 861
129 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:01.361 +03:00 [DBG] Received exception for connection state Disconnected. Show error message to user
130 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:01.361 +03:00 [ERR] Exception received by connect window view model
131 │ ACVC.Core.OpenVpn.OvpnProcessDiedException: The VPN process has stopped unexpectedly.
132 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:01.367 +03:00 [DBG] Inserted event UI_APP_VPN_CONNECT_GENERAL_ERROR 1 to MetricsTable
133 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:01.372 +03:00 [DBG] Inserted event UI_APP_VPN_CONNECT_GENERAL_ERROR 1 to AnalyticsTable
134 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:01.378 +03:00 [DBG] Inserted event UI_APP_VPN_CONNECT_ATTEMPT_FAIL_VPN_PROCESS_DIED 1 to MetricsTable
135 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:01.386 +03:00 [DBG] Inserted event UI_APP_VPN_CONNECT_ATTEMPT_FAIL_VPN_PROCESS_DIED 1 to AnalyticsTable
136 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:01.386 +03:00 [DBG] Clean up connections. Connection state: Connecting
137 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:01.399 +03:00 [INF] Validating schema for OpenVPN config: /home/shay/.config/AWSVPNClient/OpenVpnConfigs/dev
138 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:01.444 +03:00 [DBG] Inserted event CONNECTION_PROFILE_TYPE 1 to AnalyticsTable
139 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.402 +03:00 [DBG] Caught exception when getting connection status. Exception information: System.TimeoutException: The message did not respond w
│ ithin the expected timeframe or was cancelled
140 │ at ACVC.Core.OpenVpn.OvpnConnectionManager.SendMessage(String message, Int32 timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /home/ubuntu/Jenkins/workspace/Gtk
│ Build/SecureConnectClient/ACVC.Core/OpenVpn/OvpnConnectionManager.cs:line 1140
141 │ at ACVC.Core.OpenVpn.OvpnConnectionManager.GetConnectionStatus() in /home/ubuntu/Jenkins/workspace/GtkBuild/SecureConnectClient/ACVC.Core/OpenVpn/OvpnConnection
│ Manager.cs:line 1228
142 │ at ACVC.Core.Metrics.MetricsClient.RecordBytesMetricsAndAnalytics(IConnectionManager connectionManager) in /home/ubuntu/Jenkins/workspace/GtkBuild/SecureConnect
│ Client/ACVC.Core/Metrics/MetricsClient.cs:line 136
143 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.421 +03:00 [DBG] Inserted event UI_APP_VPN_CONNECT_GENERAL_ERROR 0 to MetricsTable
144 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.423 +03:00 [INF] Terminating connection
145 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.423 +03:00 [WRN] Acs did not stop correctly!
146 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.424 +03:00 [DBG] 🏞 Ending connection details reporting.
147 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.425 +03:00 [WRN] We are calling GracefulKill in a method that is not supposed to change Connection state.
148 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.426 +03:00 [DBG] GracefulKill
149 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.429 +03:00 [DBG] Stopping openvpn process
150 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.429 +03:00 [DBG] Sending SIGTERM to gracefully shut down the OpenVPN process
151 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.429 +03:00 [DBG] Cancelling socket listen token
152 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.430 +03:00 [DBG] Dispose socket
153 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.430 +03:00 [DBG] Calling StopVpnAsync of GTK OpenVPN service to kill orphaned OpenVPN processes in case graceful shutdown failed
154 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.442 +03:00 [DBG] OvpnGtkServiceClient connected. Calling StopVpnAsync
155 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.587 +03:00 [DBG] OvpnGtkServiceClient stopped OpenVPN process successfully? True
156 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.588 +03:00 [DBG] Release process manager lock
157 │ 2022-04-12 01:00:02.589 +03:00 [DBG] Disconnected
I've reached out to support and they were unhelpful. I'm running Pop!_OS 21.10. I can run openvpn
and openvpn3
locally on my terminal.
Anyone experiencing this issue and has any idea?
Here's the workaround: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1406567/amazon-workspaces-client-not-working-on-22-04
The answer no longer works, but you just have to use the latest libssl available. Today this works:
wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/libssl1.1_1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.21_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./libssl1.1_1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.21_amd64.deb
If you see a "Permission Denied" error during the second step, you can ignore it.
Also works on Ubuntu 22.10.