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How to add a multipage Object (PDF or TIFF) to a word document using powershell

I am generating a document using powershell. I need to insert some PDF files and some TIFF images in the document contents. It only inserts the first page of TIF or PDF file in the page.

I am using inlineShapes.AddPicture or inlineShapes.AddOLEObject to add these to the document.

How can we add a iterator or something similar to insert a page at a time in the document object?


  • Most answers mention that we need to download or install a utility such as iTextSharp for splitting or some imaging utility to split the images. However, after some more searches, I was able to implement this as follows:

    For Images: Use built-in imaging library in Windows to split the Tiff files into pages and then insert in word each file separately.

    For PDF: Open PDF in Word and save as word. Then insert the word file in the document.

    PDF Code Sample

    $word=New-Object -ComObject word.application
    $sel = $word.selection
    $sel.typetext ("Just some test text")
    $filebasename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension("c:\apps\sample.pdf")

    First time execution of above code, will display a dialog box which asks if you want to convert the PDF to word. It will have a checkbox to skip this dialog next time. We need to check that box so that it doesn't appear next time. This can also be done through adding a registry entry but that is out of scope of this answer.

    Code for Images:

    for ($page=0;$page -lt $pages;$page++) {
    $pageFileName = "C:\apps\sample-" + $page + ".tiff"
    $newPic = $sel.inlineShapes.AddPicture("$pageFileName","false","true")

    In above code, "$sel" is a selection object set to a previously opened Word document.