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Python program to give me numbers on the left with their sum on the right while having interchanged symbols in each line up to n (n=6)

Python program sum

Here's the picture of the program/ how it should work, it should display 1*1 then 12$3 < 3 is the sum of 1+2.. we only got to for loop.

I have tried a lot of solutions and this is what i got to at the end, for some reason i can't copy and paste it here without the code deleting whatever i had here..Python trying to solve also the output currently is:output

please help and thanks a lot


  • I would implement this idea this way:

    def func(n: int):
        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            nsum = 0  # Sum of numbers in nested loop.
            last = 0  # Last number added to 'nsum'.
            string = ''  # Final string which is then printed.
            for j in range(1, i + 1):
                nsum   += j  # Add to total sum.
                string += str(j)  # Add to final string.
                last   = j  # Set last number to current.
            # Decide if either asterisk (*) or dollar ($) should be included
            # in final message, after it append total sum.
            string += ('*' if last % 2 else '$') + str(nsum)