So I am making a Roblox game and everything went well, i fixed all the issues except this one, I can't figure out why it doesn't work and still says "attempt to compare number < Instance" because I need a remote event from the client's side to fix the capacity of the backpack (I need to put the default value at 10 but it is 0 because it is just for rising events and being sure that it doesn't cause more code in the same script and be lost).
I checked the client's side if I used a number value or just number: only 10 - I checked the parameters of the remote event on the server's side script: number - I checked if I used a variable at the beginning of the script, I changed the parameter's name: still error... I checked Roblox's devforum, nothing (don't ask me why I don't use devforum)
Server sided script
remoteEvents:FindFirstChild("FixBackpackCapacity").OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, maxCapacityFC : number)
if maxCapacityFC ~= nil and maxCapacityFC > 0 then
player:FindFirstChild(player.EquippedBackpack.Value):FindFirstChild("MaxCapacity").Value = maxCapacityFC
Client sided script
game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents.FixBackpackCapacity:FireServer(player, 10)
maxCapacityFC ~= nil
, it is still triggering the same errorWhen you fire a RemoteEvent from the client, the player
object is supplied by the engine to the server. For example, if the client passes a, b, c
, the server will receive player, a, b, c
In your case, the client is providing player, 10
, so the server is receiving player, player, 10
. That is why maxCapacityFC
is acting like an Instance, because it has been assigned as an Instance of a Player.
To fix your issue, simply remove the player
variable from the FireServer
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local FixBackpackCapacity = ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents.FixBackpackCapacity