I have a Vuetify v-simple-table
where I need to render row css differently depending on whether a task is complete or not.
I can conditionally render the background color with the following code.
<tr :class="[done? 'greenBG' : 'whiteBG']">
The css is straight forward.
.greenBG {
background-color: #79ecc5;
.whiteBG {
background-color: white;
However, I cannot seem to disable the defualt :hover
css. I tried connecting it to the class with this css.
tr.greenBG:hover { background-color: green }
If anyone can help me achieve this I'd be grateful.
Try with the !important
property to ensure you override any conflicting vuetify CSS
tr.greenBG:hover {
background-color: green !important
if you really want to avoid using !important
you need to be as specific as vuetify's CSS selector:
tr.greenBG:hover:not(.v-data-table__expanded__content):not(.v-data-table__empty-wrapper) {
background: green;