Search code examples

name list in PostgreSQL 13.0

list the name autors with the first name chris by alfabetic order

Tabela ESTRELAS Nome da coluna Tipo Descrição id INTEGER id do gênero nome_estrela VARCHAR Nome da estrela de cinema (atores e atrizes)

SELECT nome_estrela
WHERE nome_estrela IN (SELECT split_part('', 'nome_estrelas', 00.)
                       FROM ESTRELAS
                      ORDER BY nome_estrela ASC
                      WHERE nome_estrela ( SELECT split_part('nome_estrela', ' ', 00.) 
                                               FROM ESTRELAS
                                               WHERE nome_estrela LIKE 'Chris%'

/usr/local/bundle/gems/sequel-5.47.0/lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb:156:in `exec': PG::SyntaxError: ERROR:  syntax error at or near "WHERE"
LINE 13:                       WHERE nome_estrela ( SELECT split_part...

list the chris last names by asc.


  • If all you want is to list the names where the first name is Chris in alphabetical order and nome_estrela is the column containing the full name, the following should work:

    SELECT nome_estrela
    WHERE nome_estrela LIKE 'Chris%'
    ORDER BY nome_estrela ASC

    ASC here is optional for documentation purposes, as that is the default sorting order. So ORDER BY nome_estrela does exactly the same as ORDER BY nome_estrela ASC.