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How to extract all the CSS to a single file in Nuxt?

I'm currently building a UI Kit for a client who is using ASP.NET for the main application/backend for their project. The UI Kit that I'm building is created using NuxtJS and I want to compile all of the SCSS files along with Bootstrap into a single compiled CSS file, from what I've gathered on the Nuxt Docs they recommend compiling the SCSS files into single CSS files for each component.

Before I start making a mess of the config file, is there a way to compile them into a single file so the client can just enqueue it on their end? It doesn't need to be the most performative which is why we're going to push it into a singular file.


  • Here is the part of the doc for Nuxt2, I quote

    You may want to extract all your CSS to a single file. There is a workaround for this:


    export default {
      build: {
        extractCSS: true,
        optimization: {
          splitChunks: {
            cacheGroups: {
              styles: {
                name: 'styles',
                test: /\.(css|vue)$/,
                chunks: 'all',
                enforce: true

    This part is not directly written but still available for Nuxt3, so I guess that it should work in a similar approach.

    There is only one discussion on Nuxt3's repo, but you may start trying the snippet above already, to see if it fill some of your needs.