if we have a mapping that is like => mapping(uint => string[])
and we want create a function that get a number and return all strings that are related to that number
how should I declare it in order to return that string array of mapping??
I want to return the string array of mapping in another function
You can see this example of smart contract for your case:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8;
contract Test {
mapping(uint => string[]) mString;
// Adding elements inside mapping
function fillMapping(uint key, string[] memory values) public {
mString[key] = values;
// Getter method for retrieve values from mapping, querying for a specific key
function getValueFromMapping(uint key) public view returns(string[] memory) {
return mString[key];
// Using mapping values in other function
function useMappingInOtherFunction(uint key) public {
string[] memory stringValues = getValueFromMapping(key);
// your logic
// ...