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Different strict mode value for different templates for Qute in Quarkus

I use Quarkus which uses Qute as a template engine.

Is it possible to have strict mode true for some template(s) and strict-mode false for some other(s)?

  Template templateStrict;

  Template templateNonStrict;

I've checked Qute configuration and it looks like strict mode can be set only for an Engine and not for a Template or as some parameter of a render(...) methods.

Then maybe it's possible to have 2 engines in Quarkus app? Do I need to create another Qute Engine instance manuyally?

The best would be to set up a strict mode on template rendering manually but it doesn't seem to be possible.


  • Is it possible to have strict mode true for some template(s) and strict-mode false for some other(s)?

    No, this is not possible. Strict rendering can be configured per an Engine instance.

    Then maybe it's possible to have 2 engines in Quarkus app? Do I need to create another Qute Engine instance manuyally?

    You can have many Engine instances but only the instance preconfigured by Quarkus is fully integrated, i.e. you would have to mimic the logic from the EngineProducer.