I'm trying to build snappy, but I end up getting the error
error while loading shared libraries: libatomic.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
When I go look in /lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/
I do find a file libatomic.so
Which has the contents
INPUT ( /usr/lib64/libatomic.so.1.2.0 )
then if I go looking in /usr/lb64/
only these files exist
I try doing yum install libatomic_ops.x86_64
, it says nothing to do. That is the only package that comes up when doing yum search libatomic
I'm confused with how to solve this issue. Thanks!
For what it matters, this is a redhat 8.6 machine.
This was solved by running dnf install gcc
, this updated gcc and allowed for yum install libatomic
to work