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groupby with nth() and agg

I have a dataframe and would like to groupby ìndex1 and get new columns for the first, 2nd, 3rd, fourth and last values of column A (if they exist). So I would like to use agg so I can aggregate all at once. But somehow that does not work with nth. What am I doing wrong?

df = pd.DataFrame({'index1':[1,2,2,2,3,3], 'A':[1,1,2,3,1,4]})
df.groupby(['index1']).agg({'A': ['first',
                                 lambda x: x.nth(1),
                                 lambda x: x.nth(2),
                                 lambda x: x.nth(3),

so given this dataframe

  index1  A
0       1     1
1       2     1
2       2     2
3       2     3
4       3     1
5       3     4

I would like to get is this

   index1  first second thrid fourth  last
0       1      1                         1
1       2      1      2     3            3
2       3      1      4                  4


  • You can combine pivot and groupby.last:

    g = df.groupby('index1')
       .pivot(index='index1', columns='col', values='A')


    col  index1    1    2    3  last
    0         1  1.0  NaN  NaN     1
    1         2  1.0  2.0  3.0     3
    2         3  1.0  4.0  NaN     4

    For named columns:

    names = {1: 'first', 2: 'second', 3: 'third', 4: 'fourth'}
    g = df.groupby('index1')
    out = (df
       .pivot(index='index1', columns='col', values='A')


    col  index1  first  second  third  fourth  last
    0         1      1     NaN    NaN     NaN     1
    1         2      1     2.0    3.0     NaN     3
    2         3      1     4.0    NaN     NaN     4