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Create partition on bigquery table using terraform


I have list of bigquery tables to be created using terraform but I need only the partition for specific tables.

Here is the ex.

locals {
    path = "../../../../../../../../db"

    gcp_bq_tables = [

And, the terraform script to create the tables:

resource "google_bigquery_table" "gcp_bq_tables" {
    for_each    = toset(local.gcp_bq_tables)
    dataset_id  = google_bigquery_dataset.gcp_bq_db.dataset_id
    table_id    = each.value
    schema      = file("${local.path}/schema/${each.value}.json")
    labels = {
        env = var.env
        app =

In that I need to create partition on timestamp, type as DAY but the columns are different. Lets say for my_table1,

  1. The partition column would be my_ts_column_table1 for table1
  2. The partition column would be my_last_modified_column_table2 for table2

How to write the terraform script in this scenario.

My exploration

I find a way to do it in terraform_documentation but not sure for multiple tables and how can be specified the partition columns for both tables.


  • In this case it might be the best to use dynamic [1] with for_each meta-argument [2] to achieve what you want. The code would have to be changed to:

    resource "google_bigquery_table" "gcp_bq_tables" {
        for_each    = toset(local.gcp_bq_tables)
        dataset_id  = google_bigquery_dataset.gcp_bq_db.dataset_id
        table_id    = each.value
        schema      = file("${local.path}/schema/${each.value}.json")
        dynamic "time_partitioning" {
          for_each = each.value == "table1" || each.value == "table2" ? [1] : []
          content {
            type  = "DAY"
            field = each.value == "table1" ? "my_ts_column_table1" : "my_last_modified_column_table2"
        labels = {
            env = var.env
            app =

