This is the error i'm getting
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [141], in <cell line: 2>()
1 repl = {'Y':'1', 'N':'0'}
----> 2 prices_dataframe['col_state'] = prices_dataframe['col_state'].replace(repl, regex=True)
TypeError: 'bool' object is not subscriptable
This is what i have tried
repl = {'Y':'1', 'N':'0'} prices_dataframe['col_state'] = prices_dataframe['col_state'].replace(repl, regex=True)
The replace()
method is unique to strings, and at some point the value you are trying to replace is being a boolean (True or False). If you still want to replace it, you can transform the value into a string:
prices_dataframe['col_state'] = str(prices_dataframe['col_state']).replace(repl, regex=True)