I am referring to this site https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ua/gtm/enhanced-ecommerce to send e-commerce data from the Google tag manager to the Google analytics dashboard.
Below is the GTM tag for the order-receipt page. While other checkout operations are kept in separate tags. I am trying to send the purchase event through custom HTML in GTM Tag:
ga('create', 'UA-random-id-12', 'auto', {'name': 'PurchasePage'});
ga('PurchasePage.require', 'ec');
ga('PurchasePage.set', 'dimension1', 'c4f0cab13b5537uid32yiu334f0354c18');
ga('PurchasePage.ec:addProduct', {
'id': '12345',
'name': 'App1',
'price': '10.0000000000',
'variant': '7364284628',
'quantity': 1,
'coupon': '',
'brand': 'EYUIYEI',
'currency': 'USD'
ga('PurchasePage.set', 'dimension2', 'ALL');
ga('PurchasePage.set', 'dimension3', 'Marketplace');
ga('PurchasePage.set', 'dimension4', true);
ga('PurchasePage.ec:setAction', 'purchase', {
'id': '12345', 'revenue': '110.0000000000', 'tax': '0.0000000000', 'coupon': null, 'step': 4,
ga('PurchasePage.ec:setAction', 'checkout', {
'step': 4
ga('PurchasePage.send', 'pageview', {
'title': 'Order Receipt Page'
I can see the debug logs on the chrome console where the purchase event is being sent
_ _ _ _
| | | | | | (_)
__ _ ___ ___ __ _| | ___ __ _ _ __ __ _| |_ _| |_ _ ___ ___
/ _` |/ _ \ / _ \ / _` | |/ _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | | | | | __| |/ __/ __|
| (_| | (_) | (_) | (_| | | __/ | (_| | | | | (_| | | |_| | |_| | (__\__ \
\__, |\___/ \___/ \__, |_|\___| \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_|\__, |\__|_|\___|___/
__/ | __/ | __/ |
|___/ |___/ |___/
react_devtools_backend.js:4026 Running analytics_debug.js. This script is intended for testing and debugging only.
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Running command: ga("PurchasePage.require", "ec")
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Waiting on require of "ec" to be fulfilled.
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Executing Google Analytics commands.
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Running command: ga("PurchasePage.require", "ec")
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Waiting on require of "ec" to be fulfilled.
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Executing Google Analytics commands.
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Registered new plugin: ga(provide, "ec", Function)
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Running command: ga("PurchasePage.require", "ec")
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Plugin "ec" intialized on tracker "PurchasePage".
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Running command: ga("PurchasePage.set", "dimension1", "c4f0cab13b5537uid32yiu334f0354c18")
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Running command: ga("PurchasePage.ec:addProduct", {id: "310647", name: "App1", price: "10.0000000000", variant: "7364284628", quantity: 1, coupon: "", brand: "EYUIYEI", currency: "USD"})
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Running command: ga("PurchasePage.set", "dimension2", "ALL")
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Running command: ga("PurchasePage.set", "dimension3", "MP")
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Running command: ga("PurchasePage.set", "dimension4", true)
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Running command: ga("PurchasePage.ec:setAction", "purchase", {id: "6332d33fe8d5156c6bb6b68b", revenue: "110.0000000000", tax: "0.0000000000", coupon: null, step: 4})
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Running command: ga("PurchasePage.ec:setAction", "checkout", {step: 4})
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Running command: ga("PurchasePage.send", "pageview", {title: "Order Receipt Page"})
react_devtools_backend.js:4026 Tag Assistant debug signal detected for unsupported legacy tag.
VM1232 analytics.js:30 Setting throttling cookie: "_gat_OrderReceiptPage"
VM1232 analytics.js:30
Sent beacon:
VM1232 analytics.js:30 _j1 (&jid) 1383585562
VM1232 analytics.js:30 _j2 (&gjid) 1942449811
VM1232 analytics.js:30 adSenseId (&a) 2039992036
VM1232 analytics.js:30 apiVersion (&v) 1
VM1232 analytics.js:30 clientId (&cid) 296136795.1634033045
VM1232 analytics.js:30 dimension1 (&cd1) c4f0cab13b5537uid32yiu334f0354c18
VM1232 analytics.js:30 dimension2 (&cd2) ALL
VM1232 analytics.js:30 dimension3 (&cd3) MP
VM1232 analytics.js:30 dimension4 (&cd4) 1
VM1232 analytics.js:30 ec:action (&pa) checkout
VM1232 analytics.js:30 ec:product "1" brand (&pr1br) EYUIYEI
VM1232 analytics.js:30 ec:product "1" coupon (&pr1cc)
VM1232 analytics.js:30 ec:product "1" id (&pr1id) 310647
VM1232 analytics.js:30 ec:product "1" name (&pr1nm) App1
VM1232 analytics.js:30 ec:product "1" price (&pr1pr) 10.0000000000
VM1232 analytics.js:30 ec:product "1" quantity (&pr1qt) 1
VM1232 analytics.js:30 ec:product "1" variant (&pr1va) 7364284628
VM1232 analytics.js:30 ec:step (&cos) 4
VM1232 analytics.js:30 encoding (&de) UTF-8
VM1232 analytics.js:30 hitType (&t) pageview
VM1232 analytics.js:30 javaEnabled (&je) 0
VM1232 analytics.js:30 language (&ul) en-gb
VM1232 analytics.js:30 location (&dl) https://testqwerty.qaz.com/receipt/001965?orderUuid=12345>m_debug=123
VM1232 analytics.js:30 referrer (&dr) https://tagassistant.google.com/
VM1232 analytics.js:30 screenColors (&sd) 30-bit
VM1232 analytics.js:30 screenResolution (&sr) 1792x1120
VM1232 analytics.js:30 title (&dt) Order Receipt Page
VM1232 analytics.js:30 trackingId (&tid) UA-randomid-8
VM1232 analytics.js:30 viewportSize (&vp) 1792x373
But on GA dashboard, the unique events are showing as blank.
After removing the PurchasePage.ec:setAction', 'checkout'
from the script, I was able to see unique events on the analytics dashboard.
ga('create', 'UA-random-id-12', 'auto', {'name': 'PurchasePage'});
ga('PurchasePage.require', 'ec');
ga('PurchasePage.set', 'dimension1', 'c4f0cab13b5537uid32yiu334f0354c18');
ga('PurchasePage.ec:addProduct', {
'id': '12345',
'name': 'App1',
'price': '10.0000000000',
'variant': '7364284628',
'quantity': 1,
'coupon': '',
'brand': 'EYUIYEI',
'currency': 'USD'
ga('PurchasePage.set', 'dimension2', 'ALL');
ga('PurchasePage.set', 'dimension3', 'Marketplace');
ga('PurchasePage.set', 'dimension4', true);
ga('PurchasePage.ec:setAction', 'purchase', {
'id': '12345', 'revenue': '110.0000000000', 'tax': '0.0000000000', 'coupon': null, 'step': 4,
ga('PurchasePage.send', 'pageview', {
'title': 'Order Receipt Page'