Here's my problem. I'm using gqlgen library to run a GraphQL server. In my database I have a MongoDB document that looks like this:
"_id": ObjectID(...),
"somefield": "data",
"anArrayOfObjects": [
"field1": "value1",
"field2": "value2
What I want is to be able to only decode the field anArrayOfObjects
into a slice (may look like []MyObj
, where MyObj
is a struct).
(For a little context, I only want this field because the array is quite large and it has it's own GraphQL resolver).
Here's currently what I have tried:
ObjectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex("someid")
// do some error check
opts := options.FindOne().SetProjection(
bson.D{{Key: "anArrayOfObjects", Value: 1}, {Key: "_id", Value: 0}},
myslice = []MyObj{}
err := coll.FindOne(ctx, bson.M{"_id": ObjectID}, opts).Decode(&myslice)
// err is "cannot decode document into []MyObj"
If instead I run
result = primitive.D{} // or primitive.M{}
err := coll.FindOne(ctx, bson.M{"_id": ObjectID}, opts).Decode(&result)
// err is nil and result contains everything I want but not in the "ideal" data structure
Doing the latter, I reckon I can iterate through result
and then map everything to every struct field (similar to this answer). But my intuition is that probably there is a better way to do this than that.
Thanks in advance!
The result of your query will be a document holding the array under the anArrayOfObjects
field, and not the array value of that field alone. And you can't decode a document into a Go slice, that's what the error message tells you.
So unmarshal into a struct having that field:
var result struct{
MySlice []MyObj `bson:"anArrayOfObjects"`
err := coll.FindOne(ctx, bson.M{"_id": ObjectID}, opts).Decode(&result)
The array from MongoDB will be result.MySlice