I am using the quantmod package in R to retrieve stock returns. Running getSymbols for a ticker stores the returns for that stock as an xts object in my R environment.
getSymbols(AAPL, TSLA, MSFT, HD)
I am looking for a way to run the above command, and then bind the stock returns together into one dataframe. I have converted all the xts objects to dataframes.
The issue is, each object contains its ticker in part of each column name, so the differing column names cannot be binded together. I could pretty easily just change the column names of each of these 4 data frames, but in the case that there are hundreds of stocks this approach doesn't work well.
AAPL.Open AAPL.High AAPL.Low AAPL.Close AAPL.Volume AAPL.Adjusted
TSLA.Open TSLA.High TSLA.Low TSLA.Close TSLA.Volume TSLA.Adjusted
MSFT.Open MSFT.High MSFT.Low MSFT.Close MSFT.Volume MSFT.Adjusted
HD.Open HD.High HD.Low HD.Close HD.Volume HD.Adjusted
Ideally, there would also be a programmatic way to get the ticker from each xts object, and store in a column.
Desired output:
Index Ticker Open High Low Close Volume Adjusted
2022-11-04 AAPL 142.09 142.67 134.38 138.38 140716700 138.38
2022-11-04 TSLA 222.6 223.8 203.08 207.47 98453100 215.31
2022-11-04 MSFT 217.55 221.59 213.43 221.39 36767800 221.39
2022-11-04 HD 285.89 288.84 277.50 284.03 4401600 284.03
You can use package yfR, it uses quantmod's retrieval functions, but it caches the downloads so if you rerun the code on the same day it will not download all the data again. The return is a data.frame with the first column containing the ticker. Read the package getting started vignette and other vignettes to see what else the package can do.
tickers <- c("AAPL", "TSLA", "MSFT", "HD")
df_ticker <- yf_get(tickers)
# A tibble: 80 × 11
ticker ref_date price_open price_high price_low price_close volume price_adjusted ret_adjus…¹ ret_cl…² cumre…³
* <chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 AAPL 2022-10-10 140. 142. 139. 140. 74899000 140. NA NA 1
2 AAPL 2022-10-11 140. 141. 138. 139. 77033700 139. -0.0103 -1.03e-2 0.990
3 AAPL 2022-10-12 139. 140. 138. 138. 70433700 138. -0.00461 -4.60e-3 0.985
4 AAPL 2022-10-13 135. 144. 134. 143. 113224000 143. 0.0336 3.36e-2 1.02
5 AAPL 2022-10-14 144. 145. 138. 138. 88512300 138. -0.0322 -3.22e-2 0.985
6 AAPL 2022-10-17 141. 143. 140. 142. 85250900 142. 0.0291 2.91e-2 1.01
7 AAPL 2022-10-18 145. 147. 141. 144. 99136600 144. 0.00941 9.41e-3 1.02
8 AAPL 2022-10-19 142. 145. 142. 144. 61758300 144. 0.000765 7.65e-4 1.02
9 AAPL 2022-10-20 143. 146. 143. 143. 64522000 143. -0.00327 -3.27e-3 1.02
10 AAPL 2022-10-21 143. 148. 143. 147. 86464700 147. 0.0271 2.71e-2 1.05
# … with 70 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹ret_adjusted_prices, ²ret_closing_prices,
# ³cumret_adjusted_prices
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows