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Flutter InAppWebview pass custom event data to the handler function

I want to pass the arguments which are coming in a custom event to the flutter handler function.

I tried this in onPageLoaded

Future<void> onPageLoaded(InAppWebViewController controller, Uri? url) async {
await controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
            window.addEventListener('myCustomEvent', (event) => { 
            }, false);
      handlerName: 'myHandlerName',
      callback: (args) {
        //I want to get the args here but it is always an empty list

dispatching a custom event from web like below:

const event = new CustomEvent("myCustomEvent", {
    detail: {foo: 1, bar: false}

I want to get the args that are passing from the custom event in my handler function but it is always an empty list.


  • I found the way how to pass the data:

    I must pass the event.detail to my handler function in order to get the args in my handler's callback.

    window.flutter_inappwebview.callHandler('myHandlerName', event.detail);
                }, false);

    Now I can see the args which I am passing:

    controller.addJavaScriptHandler( handlerName: 'myHandlerName', callback: (args) { // List which contains the custom event data now }, );