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Copying a document into a folder and then renaming it with part of the folder name

I have a large set of folders in Windows named like this:
firstname lastname_xxxxxxx_ where xxxxxxx is a numeric ID.

All these sub-folders are in a folder called "T:\Tests2022"
The directories look like this:

John Smith_12345678_
Mary Scott_87945687_
William Tell_9875348_
Jane Doe_57982388_

e.g. a complete path is T:\Tests2022\John Smith_12345678_

I have a document "testscript.txt" that I want to move into each of these folders. This file also sits in the root of "Tests2022" (i.e. T:\Tests2022\testscript.txt)

However, I would like to prepend "Firstname_" to the file. (e.g. in the first folder the file would be called "T:\Tests2022\John Smith_12345678_\John_testscript.txt").

Ideally, if the world were perfect, the file would be named "john Smith_tescript.txt")

Simply moving the file in the CMD line is easy: e.g. 'Moveit.bat' contains

    for /D %%a in (".\*.*") do xcopy /y /d ".\testscript.txt" "%%a\"

I could do this manually, but I have to do something similar every two weeks with a different list of test directories so that a macro would be ideal.

I need help to move this to PowerShell and then use PowerShell to parse and collect text either to the first space (between the firstname/lastname pair) or the first underscore.


  • Inline comments should help to understand the logic. If you want to learn something new you should look for yourself the commands being used in the script.

    This link should explain this:

    $_.Name -replace '(?<=_).+'

    $targetFile = 'T:\Tests2022\testscript.txt'
    # Enumerate all Directories in Test2022
    Get-ChildItem T:\Tests2022\ -Directory | ForEach-Object {
        # if this Subdirectory has the `testscript.txt` in it
        if($_ | Get-ChildItem -Filter *testscript.txt) {
            # go to the next Directory, nothing to do here
        # if this Subdirectory doesn't have the file,
        # extract everything up until the underscore for the folder name
        # and concatenate with `testscript.txt`
        $name = ($_.Name -replace '(?<=_).+') + 'testscript.txt'
        # Join this folder's absolute path with the new file name
        $destination = Join-Path $_.FullName -ChildPath $name
        # now we can copy the `.txt` file into this folder
        Copy-Item $targetFile -Destination $destination