While using runtime parameters in Azure DevOps build pipeline, is there a way to mask the values of the parameters in pipeline logs ?
Based on my research and going through the documentation, there does not seem to be a way to achieve this (at the time of writing this). There are alternatives like using variable groups/secret variables but since the parameter values are user provided and would change for each pipeline trigger, such options are not ideal.
If the parameters values cannot be masked, can we turn off pipeline logs altogether?
During our tests, we tried to define a variable as secret with the same value to the parameter, and in the pipeline logs, the value of the parameters could not be echoed anymore.
Even though the value is still observed in the ui triggering. So for further secure setting, we suppose that you could set more specific permission for the pipeline or the yaml repo, to limit the accessibility. And you could also create a Feature Request to raise your concern with more developers.
11/7 4:20PM UTC+8 Update.
Hi Vineet,
If you are going to hide the logs, you could try to limit the accessibility for the pipeline builds. Even though it could not be achieved directly via UI setting.