I see this term a lot, 'symbol', and after searching on google I still can't find a definition that makes sense to me.
For example in the manual of ar
command on Linux, it's said :
ar creates an index to the symbols defined in relocatable object modules in the archive when you specify the modifier s.
Are function declarations / variable declarations / defines / structure declarations etc, symbols ? Or is a symbol a term for .o files ?
In this context, what is a symbol exactly ? Act like I'm a complete beginner who knows nothing when you form your answer please !
A symbol is the name of things (functions, variables etc). Here is an example file:
#include <stdlib.h>
struct foo {
char *a;
struct foo global_foo;
static struct foo static_foo;
struct foo *foo_create() {
return malloc(sizeof(struct foo));
which I then compile and make an archive and then use nm to list its symbols:
$ gcc -c 1.c && ar -rc 1.a 1.o && nm -s 1.a
Archive index:
global_foo in 1.o
foo_create in 1.o
0000000000000000 T foo_create
0000000000000000 B global_foo
U malloc
0000000000000008 b static_foo