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Julia: using specific branch in Notebook

I am currently writing a .ipynb notebook and want to use a specific branch of a package, but the "using" command always redirects to the master branch.

I tried to add the branch using:


Using status, I can verify that the package is present. If I use

using Packagename

it relates to the official package (i.e. the master branch), instead of the branch which I specified with #shaofpackage. Is there someway to name my branch in the add-command?

Any help or redirection would be really helpful. Thanks a lot :)


  • To address your question more specifically, the issue is that you do not want the "#shaofpackage", you want "#branchname".

    The following is one way to approach this:

    using Pkg

    Pkg.status() should show (in my case):

      [bc5e4493] GitHub v5.7.3

    Note that "#master" is referring to the branch name you want to install. I verified I could see code only in the master branch and not in the most recent tag through this workflow.