My app is built in SwiftUI and mostly works as is with iOS 16 apart from a couple of design quirks which I'm currently working on a fix for.
One of the quirks is the background colours of lists. Previously I have used Introspect to set the color of the background on the lists but as Lists have been reimplemented in iOS16 this no longer works.
I have solved this for iOS 16 devices by using the new scrollContentBackground modifier:
List() {
some foreach logic here
This works as expected apart from one issue.
When the list is empty the background color is ignored, It shows a white or black background (Not even the grouped background colours) depending on the light or dark mode setting.
Has anybody else come across this issue (or am I doing something wrong?) and if so what solutions have you come up with?
Thanks, C
May not work for everyone but I have a solute for my own problem.
I am using an overlay to present a message when the list is empty so I decided to do the old ZStack trick in here and it seems to work as expected.
List() {
ForEach(data, id: \.id) { item in
// some foreach logic here
.overlay(Group {
if(data.isEmpty) {
ZStack() {
Text("Empty List!")
Hope this helps somebody else!