I am defining few ADTs representing logic formulas. They all use i.e. And
constructor, but then differ in what other constructors they use. I'd like to reuse case class definitions with a hope that I could reuse some code later. I'd like to do something like:
sealed trait Formula
sealed trait PositiveFormula
case class Not(sub) extends Formula
case class And(left, right) extends Formula, PositiveFormula
But this doesn't work for any single type for sub
, left
and right
So I'd like to say:
sealed trait Formula
sealed trait PositiveFormula
case class Not[A](sub : A)
Not[Formula] extends Formula
case class And(left : A, right : A)
And[Formula] extends Formula
And[PositiveFormula] extends PositiveFormula
A few questions:
In Scala parametric classes can't extend different parents for different type parameters (only parent's type parameter can vary).
It seems you want to have something like "Not[T] extends T
", "And[T] extends T
" (pseudocode). See Scala : class[T] extends T?
You can try
sealed trait Formula
sealed trait PositiveFormula
trait NotLike[A] {
def sub: A
// your generic code here
case class Not(sub: Formula) extends NotLike[Formula] with Formula
trait AndLike[A] {
def left: A
def right: A
// your generic code here
case class And(left: Formula, right: Formula) extends
AndLike[Formula] with Formula
case class PositiveAnd(left: PositiveFormula, right: PositiveFormula) extends
AndLike[PositiveFormula] with PositiveFormula
You can also introduce FormulaLike
, a common parent for Formula
and PositiveFormula
sealed trait FormulaLike
sealed trait Formula extends FormulaLike
sealed trait PositiveFormula extends FormulaLike
trait NotLike[A <: FormulaLike] {
def sub: A
trait AndLike[A <: FormulaLike] {
def left: A
def right: A
Is PositiveFormula
a Formula
or not? Just in case, if so then you can make PositiveFormula
extend Formula
(instead of introducing FormulaLike
Or maybe you can try to express your relations between types with type classes (inheritance can be too restrictive, composition should be preferred over inheritance)
https://www.baeldung.com/scala/type-classes (intro to type classes)
https://kubuszok.com/2018/implicits-type-classes-and-extension-methods-part-1/ (one more intro to type classes)
https://tpolecat.github.io/2015/04/29/f-bounds.html (type classes and F-bounds)
https://github.com/milessabin/shapeless/blob/main/core/shared/src/main/scala/shapeless/ops/nat.scala (example of type-level calculations with type classes)
You can have hierarchy of classes (nodes) extending Formula
and mark some of the nodes as belonging to the type class IsPositive
// hierarchy
sealed trait Formula
// type class
trait IsPositive[A <: Formula]
case class Not[A <: Formula](sub: A) extends Formula
case class And[A <: Formula](left: A, right: A) extends Formula
implicit def and[A <: Formula](implicit ev: IsPositive[A]): IsPositive[And[A]] = null
or use phantom types with type classes
// phantom types
type Formula
type PositiveFormula /*<: Formula*/
case class Not[A](sub: A)
case class And[A](left: A, right: A)
// type class
trait NotTypeclass[A] {
type Out
def apply(sub: A): Out
object NotTypeclass {
type Aux[A, Out0] = NotTypeclass[A] {type Out = Out0}
def instance[A, Out0](f: A => Out0): Aux[A, Out0] = new NotTypeclass[A] {
override type Out = Out0
override def apply(sub: A): Out0 = f(sub)
implicit def not[A <: Formula]: Aux[A, Not[A] with Formula] =
instance(sub => Not(sub).asInstanceOf[Not[A] with Formula])
def makeNot[A](sub: A)(implicit notTc: NotTypeclass[A]): notTc.Out = notTc(sub)
// type class
trait AndTypeclass[A] {
type Out
def apply(left: A, right: A): Out
trait LowPriorityAnd {
type Aux[A, Out0] = AndTypeclass[A] {type Out = Out0}
def instance[A, Out0](f: (A, A) => Out0): Aux[A, Out0] = new AndTypeclass[A] {
override type Out = Out0
override def apply(left: A, right: A): Out0 = f(left, right)
implicit def and[A <: Formula]: Aux[A, And[A] with Formula] =
instance((l, r) => And(l, r).asInstanceOf[And[A] with Formula])
object AndTypeclass extends LowPriorityAnd {
implicit def positiveAnd[A <: PositiveFormula]: Aux[A, And[A] with PositiveFormula] =
instance((l, r) => And(l, r).asInstanceOf[And[A] with PositiveFormula])
def makeAnd[A](left: A, right: A)(implicit andTc: AndTypeclass[A]): andTc.Out =
andTc(left, right)
makeAnd(??? : PositiveFormula, ???): PositiveFormula
makeAnd(??? : Formula, ???): Formula
makeNot(??? : Formula): Formula
// makeNot(??? : PositiveFormula) // doesn't compile
makeNot(makeAnd(??? : Formula, ???)): Formula
makeAnd(makeNot(??? : Formula), makeAnd(??? : Formula, ???)): Formula
makeAnd(makeAnd(??? : Formula, ???), makeAnd(??? : Formula, ???)): Formula
makeAnd(makeAnd(??? : PositiveFormula, ???), makeAnd(??? : PositiveFormula, ???)): PositiveFormula
or use phantom types keeping type classes only for type-level calculations
type Formula
type PositiveFormula /*<: Formula*/
case class Not[A](sub: A)
case class And[A](left: A, right: A)
trait NotTypeclass[A] {
type Out
object NotTypeclass {
type Aux[A, Out0] = NotTypeclass[A] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit def not[A <: Formula]: Aux[A, Formula] = null
def makeNot[A](sub: A)(implicit
notTc: NotTypeclass[A]
): Not[A] with notTc.Out = Not(sub).asInstanceOf[Not[A] with notTc.Out]
trait AndTypeclass[A] {
type Out
trait LowPriorityAnd {
type Aux[A, Out0] = AndTypeclass[A] {type Out = Out0}
implicit def and[A <: Formula]: Aux[A, Formula] = null
object AndTypeclass extends LowPriorityAnd {
implicit def positiveAnd[A <: PositiveFormula]: Aux[A, PositiveFormula] = null
def makeAnd[A](left: A, right: A)(implicit
andTc: AndTypeclass[A]
): And[A] with andTc.Out = And(left, right).asInstanceOf[And[A] with andTc.Out]
or use phantom types without type classes
type Formula
type PositiveFormula /*<: Formula*/
case class Not[A](sub: A)
case class And[A](left: A, right: A)
def makeNot[A <: Formula](sub: A): Not[A] with Formula =
Not(sub).asInstanceOf[Not[A] with Formula]
def makeAnd[A <: Formula](left: A, right: A): And[A] with Formula =
And(left, right).asInstanceOf[And[A] with Formula]
def makePositiveAnd[A <: PositiveFormula](left: A, right: A): And[A] with PositiveFormula =
And(left, right).asInstanceOf[And[A] with PositiveFormula]
and PositiveFormula
are abstract types rather than traits to avoid ClassCastException