According to the mongoose documentation:
Mongoose models provide several static helper functions for CRUD operations. Each of these functions returns a mongoose Query object.
Models are fancy constructors compiled from Schema definitions.
Mongoose documents represent a one-to-one mapping to documents as stored in MongoDB. Each document is an instance of its Model.
Now, all the static CRUD functions on the Model return a Query. However, in the documents section, under guides, it says "When you load documents from MongoDB using model functions like findOne(), you get a Mongoose document back.".
At one place Model.findOne() is returning a Query object and at a different section its returning a document...Can someone please help explain this.
Really a good question.
Simply creating a query doesn't mean loading the document from the Model. When you use findOne()
method you just create a query, it will return Query Object
. When you execute this query to load the document from the model, in this case the return is a document Object
. Hope the following example will clarify the idea, knowing that this is not the only way to execute the query.
The first part is to create the query
const query = myModel.findOne({ name })
console.log( // Query
console.log(query instanceof mongoose.Query) // True
console.log(query instanceof mongoose.Document) // False
The second part is to execute it
query.then((document) => {
console.log( // model
console.log(document instanceof mongoose.Query) // False
console.log(document instanceof mongoose.Document) // True
}).catch((error) => {