I am trying to write a C function that reads the key-value pairs stored in an ASCII file that looks as follows (the text that indicates to ignore a certain line or part of a line is not in the file, of course: I added it for clarity):
[SECTION 1 HEADER - ignore this line]
VAR1 = 'xyz'
VAR2 = 3.0
VARIAB3 = 'blabla'
! COMMENT: ignore this line VAR7 = 'ABC123'
$---------another line to ignore-----------------
[SECTION 2 HEADER - ignore me!]
varname8 = 'abcd'
$---------yet another line to ignore-----------
[SECTION HEADER - ignore me]
VARIABLE10 = 4.05101e+05 $ignore from the dollar sign to eol
VARIABLE13 = 7e-06 $ignore from the dollar sign to eol
As you can see, not all the lines contain (key,value) pairs I would like to retain. Also, the names of the keys don't always have the same length and the values can be strings or numbers... Moreover, the '=' sign can be preceded and/or followed by zero or more spaces. Finally, comments appearing after the key,value pair should be ignored.
I've tried the following code to read from the file and parse the key-value pairs:
fh = fopen(filename, "r");
if(NULL == fh) {
printf("File opened succesfully.\n");
while(fgets(buffer, 100, fh) != NULL)
int offset;
int res = sscanf(buffer, "%s = %s%n", key, value, &offset);
printf("Found: %s = %s\n", key, value);
which gives the following output, clearly failing at capturing the last two key-value pairs:
Filename is: sample.tir
File opened succesfully.
Found: VAR1 = 'xyz'
Found: VAR2 = 3.0
Found: VARIAB3 = 'blabla'
Found: varname8 = 'abcd'
Found: VARIABLE10 = 4.05101e+05
Found: VARIABLE13 = 7e-06
File closed.
I believe the problem might be in the format string for sscanf: any ideas?
I suggest you check for and overwrite the '='
character, to separate the key and value. Perhaps like this snippet
char *ptr = strchr(buffer, '='); // find the '='
if(ptr == NULL)
*ptr = ' '; // replace with a space
int res = sscanf(buffer, "%s%s", key, value);
if(res != 2)
printf("Found: %s = %s\n", key, value);
Found: VAR1 = 'xyz'
Found: VAR2 = 3.0
Found: VARIAB3 = 'blabla'
Found: varname8 = 'abcd'
Found: VARIABLE10 = 4.05101e+05
Found: VARIABLE13 = 7e-06
Found: param_1 = 123
Found: param_2 = 321