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PowerShell, Invoke-WebRequest for a url that is not pointing at a file, but initiates a file download

I can download the Google Chrome installer easily as follows:

Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "$env:Temp\chrome_installer.exe"

However, for Opera, I want specifically the latest 64-bit version. On the download page at there is a handy link to that:

enter image description here

When I click on the "64 bit" link, it automatically starts the download of the latest executable, but using Invoke-WebRequest on that url does not download the file:

Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "$env:Temp\opera_installer.exe"

How can I manipulate a url like this to:

  1. Download the file as if I clicked on the link on the download page?
  2. Get the name of the file that is downloaded (as I see that the full file version is in the file downloaded)?
  3. Redirect that download to a destination of my choosing?


  • To access the installers you could use the following URI:

    Depending on the version you want you can do:

    Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "$env:Temp\opera_installer.exe"

    Working with link mentioned above you could do something like this:

    #Set source URI
    $uri = ""
    #As the links are sorted by version the last link is the newest version
    (Invoke-WebRequest -uri $uri).links[-1] | %{
        #Parse string to link and as we want the Windows version add 'win/', filter for 'Setup_x64\.exe$'
        $uri = [Uri]::new([Uri]$uri, $_.href).AbsoluteUri + 'win/'
        (Invoke-WebRequest $uri).links | ?{$_.href -match 'Setup_x64\.exe$'} | %{
            #Build new Uri, download file and write it to disk
            $uri = [Uri]::new([Uri]$uri, $_.href)
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile "C:\tmp\$($uri.Segments[-1])"