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How to test if a parameter is passed into msi command line?

I am trying to install a msi file using msiexec on Windows. This msi can be installed either into the default ProgramFiles dir or a custom dir specified in the msiexec command. For example when the custom dir is specified, the command looks like this:

msiexec /i installer_name.msi CUSTOM_DIR="C:\TEST" ALLUSERS=1

When CUSTOM_DIR is not specified then the command is

msiexec /i installer_name.msi ALLUSERS=1

For this to work, I am changing a Wix file and creating Custom Action and Custom Action Id.

When CUSTOM_DIR is passed by the installer, then

<Custom Action='InstallAppCustom' Before='InstallFinalize'>VersionNT64 and (CUSTOM_DIR) and (ALLUSERS=1)</Custom>

and when the CUSTOM_DIR is not passed then

<Custom Action='InstallApp' Before='InstallFinalize'>VersionNT64 and (Not CUSTOM_DIR) and (ALLUSERS=1)</Custom>

My questions are:

  1. Is this the right way to check whether CUSTOM_DIR is passed or not? or any other right way to check it?

  2. The issue here is that, irrespective of whether CUSTOM_DIR is passed or not, InstallAppCustom gets executed in the InstallExecuteSequence.


  • InstallAppCustom is getting executed everytime because CUSTOM_DIR will be always set. It must have initialized to some default value using Directory table. So, even if you didn't pass parameter, CUSTOM_DIR value will be set.

    I understand why you want to check if parameter is passed from command-line but what if user changes CUSTOM_DIR value from UI? If it's not exposed to UI, then it's fine.

    So, to check whether a property is passed from command-line, you need set property custom action which should be scheduled as very first action of InstallExecuteSequence, UISequence. Set property action will set CMD_CUSTOM_DIR property and its value would be [CUSTOM_DIR]. This should have condition of CUSTOM_DIR as at this point of installation time, default value of CUSTOM_DIR is not set. So, CMD_CUSTOM_DIR will always have cmdline value if passed and same can be used later on in other custom action conditions.