I am trying to create multiple GCP projects using terraform, In each project i am trying to create multiple SA's and custom roles.
As as initial step i am able to create multiple projects but i am unable to create resources in those projects.
resource "google_project" "project_creation" {
count = 5
name = "terraform-testing${count.index + 1}"
project_id = "terraform-testing${count.index + 1}"
output "gcp_projects" {
value = ["${google_project.project_creation[*].id}"]
resource "google_project_iam_custom_role" "role" {
project = google_project.project_creation[*].id
role_id = "myCustomRole"
title = "Bigquery Role"
description = "Bigquery Role"
permissions = ["roles/bigquery.admin"]
Error: │ google_project.project_creation is tuple with 2 elements │ Inappropriate value for attribute "project": string required.
the project attribute expects a string. however you are passing it a tuple of all the project ids. If you want to create a resource for each project then iterate over the projects with something like
resource "google_project" "project_creation" {
count = 5
name = "terraform-testing${count.index + 1}"
project_id = "terraform-testing${count.index + 1}"
output "gcp_projects" {
value = ["${google_project.project_creation[*].id}"]
resource "google_project_iam_custom_role" "role" {
count = length(google_project.project_creation)
project = google_project.project_creation[count.index].id
role_id = "myCustomRole"
title = "Bigquery Role"
description = "Bigquery Role"
permissions = ["roles/bigquery.admin"]