The following Python script computes the 2D convolution of the blue color channel of a .jpg image:
Does anyone have any idea about how the filtered image is being calculated by filter2D()
function? Is there anything wrong with my proposed calculation?
import cv2
import numpy as np
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg')
# Read image 6x6x3 (BGR)
# Obtain blue channel
# Result is:
#[[71 60 65 71 67 67]
# [69 58 61 69 69 67]
# [89 66 56 55 45 37]
# [65 37 27 32 31 30]
# [46 23 22 38 43 45]
# [55 36 44 60 60 47]]
# Convert image from uint8 to short. Otherwise, output of the filter will have the same data type as the
# input when using ddepth=-1 and hence filtered values >255 won't be able to be represented
# Result is (same as before, ok...):
# 71 60 65 71 67 67
# 69 58 61 69 69 67
# 89 66 56 55 45 37
# 65 37 27 32 31 30
# 46 23 22 38 43 45
# 55 36 44 60 60 47
kernel=np.array([ [0, 0, 1], [1, 3, 1], [0, 0, 1] ])
# Kernel is of size 3x3
# [0 0 1]
# [1 3 1]
# [0 0 1]
filtered_image = cv2.filter2D(blue_channel, -1, kernel)
# Blue channel is filtered with the kernel and the result gives:
# 449 438 464 483 473 473
# 449 425 436 449 447 451
# 494 431 390 366 324 301
# 358 281 243 242 237 240
# 257 208 219 270 289 312
# 283 251 304 370 377 347
# Why top left filtered value is 449?
# I would expect this:
# 71*0+60*0+65*1+69*1+58*3+61*1+89*0+66*0+56*1=425
# In short, I would expect 425 instead of 449, how is that 449 computed?
Your calculation is not wrong, but you have actually written convolution for value at [2,2], which match with your result 425.
To calculate value e.g. [1,1] you need values outside of the image, you have to handle surrounding edges. And by default in function filter2D they are handled as reflect 101 , in wiki its shifted mirror edge handling by +1.
To understand diffrence between mirror(reflect) and reflect 101:
Mirror (reflect)
left edge | image | right edge
| |
b a | a b c | c b
Reflect 101
left edge | image | right edge
| |
c b | a b c | b a
So calculation for [1,1] with default edge handling in filder2D would be:
0*58 + 0*69 + 1*58 + 1*60 + 3*71 + 1*60 + 0*58 + 0*69 + 1*58 = 449